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The Objects of the Foundation

The Objects of the Foundation are generally:

  • to promote the conservation of Parks,
  • to improve the natural environment, and
  • to undertake programs to promote community appreciation, understanding and support of, involvement with and engagement in Parks in order to improve the connection of people to the natural environment.

The means by which the Foundation may achieve its Objects include:

  • protecting and enhancing the natural environment of Parks, including plants, animals and natural features,
  • providing information or education, or the carrying on of research, on Parks,
  • conserving and improving Parks,
  • introducing programs to increase community understanding, access and engagement with and appreciation of Parks,
  • working with other parties in consolidating or otherwise increasing the number and size of Parks where this contributes to the conservation of plants, animals and natural features,
  • promoting the connection of people to Parks and the associated health benefits for people engaging with Parks,
  • ensuring sustainability of the Foundation, and
  • promoting and attracting donations to a public fund for the purpose of supporting the environmental objects and purposes of the Foundation.